On my arrival at home…

Well I got home and everyone seemed excited to see me….particularly Ben and the dog.  But beggars cannot be choosers, so I will take what I can get and be thankful for it.  And yes, the picture for tonight is of my bedroom door!!

Yes, we have crosses on all our bedroom doors.  They have been on our doors for well over 10 years, and  I have always thought it is one of the greatest things that we do as a family.  And although we do not have grandchildren, or sons and daughters in law (yet), my hope and prayer is that they all might continue the tradition.  And of course I will be buying them as gifts just to “grease the wheel” as they say.

But my day has been fun, interesting, and beautiful.  The desk clerk at my hotel I found out was a retired (big plane) airline captain.  He reached the retirement age and still wanted to work with people.  He had to be one of the most personable, helpful, and interesting people I have ever met.  It was a real blessing to speak with him.

The drive home was spectacular.  Although when I stopped to go to the restroom at a rest area in the mountains of Maryland, a Mexican man who was my age came up to me and asked me in very poor English if I knew where some town in New Jersey was.  I told him I had no clue, and not in Spanish either.  But as I got into my car I remembered that we were in the rest area on the side of the road headed WEST.  But I had a McNally atlas for the US in my car and I got right out and gave it to him.  He thanked me and my last sight of him was in my rear view mirror as he and about 6 other guys began looking at it on a picnic table.  I sure hope and pray that they got to where they were heading.

And as I drove further I remembered a lot of construction on I-79 from Morgantown WV to just south of Pittsburgh, so I reprogrammed my Tom Tom and cut through the mountains on a more scenic path.  It was so well worth it.  I drove by a few battlefields and even tried to call Scotty as he is a big history buff.  I drove by the grave of General Edward Braddock and the Battlefield of Necessity.  Scott did not answer and when I got home I looked it up….and when I just talked to Scott he told me about it.  Okay, he passed the test.

But things like this relax me and make me quite happy.  Getting home however, is the icing on the cake.  In fact I am excited to go in my door because my bed is waiting for me.  Thank God for it too….it has been a busy few days and I am tired!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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