The battle continues……

Yes, Ben thinks it is his right to decide just where it is he can sleep, and we are doing our best to convince him otherwise.  Every night he is put to bed, and every night he protests.  He usually settles for someone sleeping in the other twin bed next to him, and he creates monsters, bad guys, and all sorts of excuses to get out of there.  Yet every night he sooner or later falls asleep only to share how very brave he was the night before for sleeping in his own bed.  If he were just a little more delusional he would rival my high school sports career!

But the picture is of what he looks like after he coasts out……yep, he is clearly suffering.  I believe he sleeps like this to mock me, as I am never that comfortable and he has stolen his mom right from me.  His life is really cushy enough and how he became my adversary in all this was clearly unexpected.

Yet the battle rages on…….I fight to get my wife back and he fights to get her to sleep in that spare bed in his room.  Yes, he is younger, and has tons more energy.  But I have the brains and experience (I think).  I intend to see this to its conclusion.  I just hope it all concludes though before he turns 5 in 24 more days!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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