Our Summer Training Program with Stephanie……..

At times I really do not know what is worse, to be the parent of a son who is heading into the Marines and is working to push up his ship date, or the parent of a daughter who is a high level college athlete.  Both make you feel pathetic about the shape you are in, BUT we have “hired” Steph to train us over the summer, so I am squarely coming down on the decision that she is worse.

In fact, she really lit into Amanda tonight about her commitment level when Amanda came home from a full day of work and did not want to go running.  And I laughed, because that was a BIG mistake on Amanda’s part.  They have been out running for over an hour.  Steph is a zealot and it serves Amanda right for assuming she would be an easy mark.  She isn’t.  And although I do not hear the ambulance in our neighborhood, I am sure she is feeling like calling it.

For 8 years I was the priest of a woman named Betty Schembechler, who was the mother of the University of Michigan football coaching legend Bo Schembechler.  Bo was a coach with an incredibly tough reputation yet was a pussycat compared to his mom who was the head of my Altar Guild.  I loved her and she loved me.  But I mention this because I believe that Steph is harder than both of them.

God bless Amanda for thinking she could do this…….but I in no way want Steph beating on me.  She is paying back Amanda now….and I will be quite content letting my bride take the brunt for both of us!

Yes, I am writing this in my comfortable office chair with a vodka tonic in front of me and they are still out running.  Life is good!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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