Insomnia Theatre 2012……

I really do wish the last 24 hours were different, but they have been one of those rare times when my life was riddled with insomnia, and it has been brutal.

Of course insomnia is brutal at almost anytime and in anyone’s life, but when you are a priest, to get insomnia on a Saturday night is the worst.  You will try anything to get to sleep, and thinking about it just makes things worse.  And for me, this was compounded by the fact that I no longer write out my sermons, so with all that “awake time,” which with insomnia can be not all that rational, I started to think and rethink what I was going to say.  And I have to confess that as I stood up to deliver my sermon at St. Patrick’s this morning (the first one I did) I was still pretty garbled in my mind in the two foot walk from my seat to the podium.  I am just thankful to God that it all worked out, even at the second place, St. Anne’s.

I did get home around 3 to take a nap.  As it was not my first rodeo with insomnia, I did make sure I got up and didn’t try to sleep through to the next morning BUT I WANTED TO!  The good news is that it is now just slightly after 11 and I am tired again.  I do not deliver ANY sermons tomorrow, so I hope to be in good shape.

It was something to watch I am sure, and I hope and pray that it never happens to me again…….a guy can dream can’t he?  And as for me, that’s what I am heading to do right now!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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