The Incredible………MORON…..

I have three kids, all of whom I have more embarrassing dirt on than any many should have the privilege to have.  Of course the amount I have on both Steph and Scott is far greater than Ben, but what I want to share is that Ben is quickly catching up.  And at the rate he is going, he may surpass his other two sibling morons by the time he is 10, if not sooner.

I will confess that I am saving A LOT of material for rehearsal dinners, as I figure it is well past the point that people will back out of all the planning, even after such disturbing material.  But I will also confess that all three continue to provide me with ammo (I mean material).  In all honesty, there are many DOOZIES that still crack me up, and in my mind will prove as to whether their new potential spouses really love them or not.

A case in point is the picture for tonight.  Ben wears ties because his brother wears them for work.  But Ben always wears them inappropriately, and Scott does not.  (PLUS Ben poses).  You might think that this picture is a set up, but NO….this was of Ben getting ready to GO SOMEWHERE…….and that somewhere was THE POOL with his sister.  How this could ever be interpreted as normal?

You cannot change or escape DNA.  No one will be surprised to hear me say it is mine!  So pray for my kids!  It is not their fault!  Genetics can be a blessing or a curse!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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