Throwback Saturday?????

Well since we couldn’t make it to Steph’s game in Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania yesterday (apparently there is some sort of law that states that Ben has to attend “school”) I still was able to get a lacrosse fix by attending some college games in Indianapolis that featured a few former players of mine.  And it gave me the idea that I could connect with all of them again, even if it was not lacrosse and get some pictures to post.  Today however, all these girls continue to play the game.

The first is Alyssa Jarvis, who plays for Indiana University.  She is one of my daughter’s closest friends and they still hang out often when Steph is at home.  She, like Steph, is a senior and will have to be entering life pretty soon.  Sadly, I could not stay for any of her games, but did see her for this picture!!

The second is Nikki Tombers who is at Purdue.  Nikki was the one who let me know about the games, and it was fun to see her play offense for the first time ever this morning.  She was a defender in high
school and through her entire college playing career.  She did pretty good too!!  I didn’t hear one “I’ve got ball,” from her though as it is more of a defender thing.

The third is Claire Hoover, who took up lacrosse in high school and who played a lot of defense (for me) but always made it clear she wanted to be up closer to the goal.  She also plays for Purdue and is up where she wanted!!  I
retired from coaching just after her first year, but I knew she would always do well.  When you want to mix it up it is a coach’s dream!!

And the last is Morgan Williams, who plays for Taylor University and was a mainstay for me at defense all the time she played for me. I used to encourage her to carry the ball and move up, but she liked to defend and pass off more than any player at that position I ever had…..she was good at it too.  Oddly enough, she plays midfield now and I watched with dismay her carry the ball up the field through a lot of traffic.

The Lindenwood Lions won again last night, and although I could not be there, this was a pretty awesome morning!  I had and have a great deal of admiration for every one of the girls I have coached and I sure do miss them.  Each one has left me personally better than I was before.  Today, I got to see four really great ones too.

And yes, of course they are young women, and will soon all be making their marks on the world.  But today I am thankful for the mark they have made upon me and how today, in particular, they were able to do it again!  It has been a great day!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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