
I have been working hard all day, but in my personal time I was able to plant 4 fruit trees in our back yard for my wife.  One was an apple, another pear, another plum and the last one peach.  They will produce an awesome amount of fruit over the years, but they will also attack bees to which I am allergic.  So I probably just contributed to my demise.

BUT, I did ask Ben tonight if he was hunger for some fruit.  He said YES and we went out to look at the trees until he caught on.  I cannot say that he was amused, but what does that matter when I am???  He will enjoy the “fruits” of my hard labor in years to come, and we all agreed that we wish we would have done it last year.

I have one more tree to plant tomorrow to replace a crab apple tree that our Arborist (a tree guy) said had disease.  We have a big October Glory Maple to replace it, and that will happen tomorrow….along with my working on our bridge.

I have a lot going on with work, and a lot going on at home.  I leave for a 5 day trip to Alabama and Illinois next Wednesday.  I would like to know that the house projects, by that time, are done.  After all, who wants to worry about that stuff at the ripe old age of 51…..which is what I will hit next Tuesday.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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