The end…….

Although most people under 40 I suppose may not know what this is, it is in fact a caboose, or the car at the end of every train that was eliminated for a blinking light and less crew on each train.  I saw this today in Anderson (home of famous Indiana Chief Anderson, which means “land of trains”).  As a side note, John Dillinger never robbed a bank here because there were so many trains, but had he done so, I am sure his last vision before death would have been this……a caboose.

But needless to say, I was quite surprised to see it, and it was being PUSHED, much to my dismay, by two engines.  But sadly, it connected my mind to my post from yesterday about the fruit trees.

You see, this morning I was able to speak with our good friends the Woodruffs, who we bought our house from.  Lucetta was excited to hear that we planted fruit trees and mentioned that they at one time even had an apple tree here they had to cut down.  But then she mentioned the “cherry tree” out front that she used to make pies from.  We had never seen anything on it, and quite honestly thought it was a crab apple tree.  And an arborist husband of one of my wife’s co-workers had come out a few weeks ago and shared that this very tree was diseased and going to die.  No wonder it had not bore any fruit!  And I had also already bought its replacement, thinking it was a crab apple tree and not knowing it was on its last limb.

So I went out and re-inspected it this morning… fruit, and yes, I could see the disease.  I therefore, like George Washington, will be chopping down a cherry tree.  It will be its caboose.  But now its replacement will be heading to another spot tomorrow and I will find another cherry tree.  Pears, plums, peaches, apples, and cherries… end it going to be fantastic!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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