Happy 19th Birthday Scotty…….

Today my son Scott turned 19, and it has been a great day.  It seems as if it were only yesterday that he was just a little guy, but today he is signed and ready to hear to US Marine Corps boot camp as soon as they call……he is currently scheduled to leave December 10th.  I am doubtful it will be that long.

But today I got to watch both he and his sister play in their respective alumni lacrosse games, and that was a blessing.  Their little brother is a total sports klutz at this point, yet I remember them both there.  Today they are both fine tuned athletes and amazing human beings.  And, they are great friends.

Ironically, 19 years ago today Stephanie wouldn’t even look at him, as he was clearly muscling in on her territory.  We have come a long way.  Scott is a wonderful young man, I love him, and I am proud to call him my son.

Happy Birthday Scotty!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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