Killing time……

Today I, and my assistant Ben Tirman, picked up Father Robert and went to an all day meeting in Nashville that is a preliminary requirement for people entering the Novitiate of our Order. It was a great meeting, and Ben was pretty good in terms of behaving.  He spent most of his time in the playroom/nursery keeping himself busy with Avenger things……

The day ended late, but it was indeed good to get home.  I was able to water all our newly planted trees, which was nice, but as I came out to the front yard I discovered that we had lost huge parts of two other trees in out front yard.

Now although this happens often on a property that had 29 full grown trees before I planted the 5 new ones, but it did cause some problems.  First of all, I cut up and burn those branches normally.  I use my chain saw, and then I haul them to a burn pile.  BUT, our garden is now planted where our burn pile is.  We just don’t have this problem when the garden is in, but now we do.  I am hoping for a solution to make itself known.

Of course this is partially why we had the truck, because I could haul things to a burn pile off the property then.  But I am now without a truck, and without a burn pile…..but I do have a TREE and it is a massive job.

The other problem is that tomorrow is my birthday, and I had just a couple of easy and enjoyable things scheduled.  I however should not whine, as I DO HAVE HELP.  Ben is still with me alone tomorrow. Scotty has USMC fitness in the morning and work in the afternoon and evening.  My wife, daughter, and mother-in-law will be home in the evening and will not be in any shape at that point to help.

And of sure, I could call a tree company and have it cut and chipped and hauled…..but for as often as it happens I would not just need them on speed dial, but I would need a lot more cash!  The solution may be a new burn area, and I will chat with Amanda tonight about it when she calls.  And since I am leaving for a trip in just a few days, she will need to help me come up with a quick fix the three of them will just have to break out the old chain saw themselves… is a mess.

But for now who cares??  I certainly do not!  The picture is of Ben watching an Avengers cartoon during our meeting and in all honesty I am now in the same position in my bed without the cartoon.  I am glad to be home and in a couple of hours glad to complete yet another year.  It has been a hard one. I will be glad to put it in the books!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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