Happy Birthday to me…..

Yes, today I celebrated my 51st birthday.  My wife and daughter were in Kansas, although I expect them back at anytime to celebrate here with my mother-in-law, but this morning I was feeling a bit puny…

You see, only Ben and Scotty were here.  Ben slept in my bed “to keep his mom’s spot warm” and Scotty came down on the way to USMC physical training (PT), he walked right by me.  He was ZONED.  He called me later to wish me a Happy Birthday not ever remembering he talked to me!  So it was up to Ben!

To his credit, he sang to me on the way to Muncie, where we had lunch with my Uncle Phil.  My Uncle Phil seemed a bit surprised that I was up there having lunch with him on my birthday, but it meant a LOT to me.  In all honesty, life often seems as if it is slipping away to me.  I was at his wedding my Aunt Suzie when I was 10!!!  Family is the sure foundation of a stable life…..and I am blessed to have a good one!  It was a high honor for me today!!

And it meant even more as this was the first birthday I had without my mom or my grandma.  Sure, my mom sometimes didn’t even know what day it was, but at least I could be there to see her.  And today was the first birthday I have ever remembered not talking to my grandma…but today was because I couldn’t.

Another blessing was that Ben took this picture himself and of himself, so I decided to use it.  And I have crossed photographer off of the lest of potential careers for him I would recommend.  He will think it is pretty cool though.

So today I rejoice that I am on this earth yet another year, and that I am blessed with a wonderful family.  It has been a great day so far!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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