On the edge of something…….

I am a bit worried……It is 10:45 and I am still awake, yet I am scheduled to get up in less than 6 hours for a trip (a drive) to Montgomery, Alabama.  I have a meeting tomorrow at 6:00 pm there, and I am not packed or asleep.  It is going to be a difficult day tomorrow for sure.

And to make matters worse, Scotty came home and he is sick.  I therefore have moved Ben out of there since they are “bunking” together while their grandma is here.  Ben is still jacked up, and Scott is sick and exhausted.  I just have to drive, and if my day gets messed up and I miss that meeting, well then, I suppose I would have chosen the good portion.  Parents take care for their kids, and that’s even when they are adults.  I hope Scott can get some good sleep.  He’s a mess.

But Ben has already tried to rouse his mom, but to no avail.  I have told him to give up, and although he seemed hellbent on having a conversation with SOMEONE, he has run out of options.  The nice part is that when I get up to leave I will see him right here without the chance of waking him up.  In a way, it is nice…..it could only be better if Scott were not having such a hard time.

So for now I will end this post with the hopes of sleep.  I am exhausted, but my mind is racing about the trip.  I pray that sleep will win…..and of course that I set the timer on my coffeemaker correctly.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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