Down for the count…….

When I took this picture last night I had no idea how prophetic it would be.  All I saw was all the wine bottles and the dog seemingly passed out next to the table.  He looked whooped.

Tonight I feel the same way.  I really did well on my drive and it was just shy of 10 hours.  But I had very little sleep, I spilled a coffee all over my desk right before I left which delayed me, and then just about 30 minutes out from my hotel and meeting I received word that our air conditioner on our old house needed to be replaced and immediately.

Regular readers may remember that we were not able to sell our home when we moved and had to rent it out.  It has not been without problems, but having a company manage it for us until the housing market recovers and we can sell it makes things a bit easier.  That is up until today.

You see, the price is just shy of $6000, and we do not have $6000.  Of course this would be less stressful if it were not 150 degrees outside AND if I were not out of town with responsibilities.  It is a mess for sure, but I have a call into the management company to see if the furnace people from our new house can come out and give a bid tomorrow.  Either way, we will have a furnace/air conditioner installed by Saturday.

But as I look at the picture I’d just like to think it was me…..tasting some good wine and just taking a well-deserved nap.  I have yet to sleep, but plan to take care of that right now.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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