
Although I travel quite a bit, one of the blessings of such a life is the gift of being able to meet some very remarkable people.  And today the blessings of my travels come here at Christ Church Anglican in Montgomery, Alabama.

I am at a Provincial gathering of the Anglican 4th Day (A4D).  A4D is a renewal movement within the Anglican Church and has many similar cousins in other denominations such as Cursillo, Walk to Emmaus, The Great Banquet, and Paseo among others.  I am on the Provincial Board (our Province is North America) and the people are so very inspirational.  If you read this blog regularly you know that I  “get around” (in a travel kind of way…after all, I am a priest) but this was my first venture into this area of the country for work.

I have to confess I have been completely overwhelmed by the hospitality I have experienced here as well as in the teachings and wisdom shared by the clergy and people I am with here.  I feel very blessed by it, especially since I have made new friends that I will be able to continue to learn from and be blessed by in the future.  I think it is highly unlikely that I will travel down here all the time for the delicious meals, but it is very tempting for sure!

But my point is, that every once in awhile, it is nice to receive.  And here in Alabama, that is exactly what I have been able to do!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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