No way!!!!

For those of you who are regular readers, you may remember how I became frustrated with flying and decided to drive instead.   That, for the most part, has worked out well….that is until THIS trip.  I was intending to get to my hotel in Illinois tonight about 7 but was nowhere near that mark!  The highlight of my drive was this picture in Alabama just before Tennessee….that’s right $2.99 a gallon.  It is STILL way too expensive, but cheaper than anything I had seen.  Unfortunately I had filled up a few miles earlier and therefore lost about $.10 a gallon….a dollar in my car.

But in all honesty, I still like the driving,  I like seeing the countryside, and I like meeting people in different places…because for as much as the news would have you think we are all going to hell, the world is full of some pretty nice people…..and I have met a ton of them on my trip.

But sadly, I do not have the energy to tell you about them tonight.  These past few days have had very few breaks, and I am feeling it.  I am in the hotel, in bed, and even if there was a fire, at this point, I might consider if I were motivated enough to wake up and leave.  My meetings are late tomorrow by design, and had I scheduled them for tonight I would have had to cancel.  I am thankful tonight for my skepticism about traffic!

So it is off to bed I go!  I have driven 1000 miles in just a few days and I am exhausted… least my bed just welcomes me to go to sleep!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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