Keeping the park safe from Red Skull and evil squirrels…..

Honestly I was ready to kill him, not in a literal sense, but I am of the school that when a parent or authority figure asks you something and you CLEARLY HEAR it, that you also CLEARLY ANSWER it too.  So when we were driving to the Mounds State Park with his grandma, sister, and dog and he wasn’t answering me, I was none too pleased.

But now I understand, as this is who was in the car seat in the back when I turned around t complain……so I asked my question in a different way, addressing Captain America instead of my son Ben.  And not surprisingly I got an immediate answer.

I wish I could say that he was just staying in character, but I am afraid it is far deeper than that.  You see, he really does believe he is Captain America, or any of the other superheroes he loves when he is in their costumes.  He will not answer to his name, but to the costume’s.  And in all honesty I am tickled by it all.  I must have great DNA because my youngest child is about 10 different superheroes and he alone holds the key to keeping the world safe, today from “Red Skull.”

So our hike was a success.  The evil squirrels and the evil birds, as well as any of the other evil wildlife, kept their distance……for justice was at hand.  Captain America, with shield and all, is on the prowl.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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