Ben Tirman, the King of Zumba……

It has been an interesting day, as I joined my daughter and mother-in-law in their supervision of Ben in swimming lessons and Kid’s Zumba.  It was a pretty cool day!

And although I took a TON of pictures of Ben swimming and jumping off the side and the diving board, the funniest part was his attempts at rhythm as a member of the kid’s Zumba class.  The class is taught by Jett, Amanda’s personal trainer, so I KNOW she knows Ben well……but he has the rhythm of   a dead animal.  Lord knows he tries, but he just cannot seem to get it right.  But fortunately Jett is the mom of young children, so her class is a labor of love.

But Ben loves it, just like he loves swimming.  It was a great day to get to be a part, and for it I am thankful.  He is swimming, he is working out, yet he is still as bizzarre as ever.  But he is more so Jett’s problem than mine.

All and all however, it was just cool to see…..

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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