Did I mention it RAINED?????

I was going to post tonight about how my youngest, Ben, was spending his last night as a 4 year old…..it is a pretty unique thing, but then again, so is what happened this afternoon.

Yes, as amazing as it may seem to share, TODAY it RAINED!  And, it rained hard and long.  I was actually at the Wal-Mart when it started and as I went to the car it was really coming down.  In fact, I got CLOCKED by some hail right into my eye (my right eye, the bad one) but who am I to complain…it was RAINING!!!!

And it was a pretty good storm too.  The picture shows how it ripped off the bottom of one of the Mike’s Express flags in Anderson, and I was detoured a few times on the way home due to fallen trees. (Yes we have stuff in our yard down, particularly as I paid for stuff to be removed last week) BUT IT RAINED!!!  YEE HA!

The other picture is from the house behind us…..the storm snapped a big tree in half.  You can see from the guy in the picture that the snap was at least 50 ft high.  These are BIG trees!  It’s a mess, but it rained…..and ultimately, today, that’s what we are thankful for the most!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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