A dog’s life……..

Sometimes while making my way through life I look at Viper and think “wow, what a great life you live.”  He has very little stress or responsibility.  He is happy to see everyone and everyone is happy to see him (except 3 year old Jack next door who is afraid of dogs).  He hangs with his fake squirrel, satisfied that he will not be catching a real one (he will not take a part in fulfilling the Peter Principle). And he eats and sleeps when he wants…..which is pretty much all the time.

My life, on the other hand, is often chaotic.  It is quite regularly filled with stress, change, and uncertainty.  It is mired with too much responsibility, and as much as I would love it, not everyone is happy to see me…..although Jack and his family seem to like me!  I do feed all our squirrels, but do not have one of my own or even a fake one.  I am however considering buying Ben a “Secret Squirrel” costume so at least one will talk to me.  And of course I probably live my life as the poster child for the Peter Principle.

But no, I am not jealous, I just admire him.  He is a good and loyal friend (unless Scotty is around) who helps keep me sane and being able to do what I do.  And today, on a pretty rough day, I thank God for him.  Viper, you are one awesome dog!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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