Of Ninja-eeeey things……..

As if we needed our home to get any weirder……. Ben’s last birthday present arrived this evening.  It’s just too bad he was not here to see it.  What, or better yet, WHO appeared was a ninja who seemed to me to be familiar.  For the life of me however, I am sure I will never figure it out.

This however, is far more realistic than the last ninja we had in our home.  It was well over a year ago, and I am pretty sure it was Ben with one of his sister’s hair bands across his face.  This ninja requires far less grace in terms of costume believability.  Plus this ninja has “authentic” foam ninja stars, whereas our former ninja just had sound effects.   My only regret is that his grandma left for home, or I mean my mother-in-law left for home (as I am not really sure of the identity of this ninja) a few hours before he appeared.

Anyway I need to get into a new paradigm.  Instead of WWJD (What would Jesus do?)  I need to wonder WWCND (What would Chuck Norris do?)  I am not certain of all of it, but I am pretty sure he would think this was one cool ninja.  I think that too….I just wish we could find our son Ben.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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