Oh No! A “WheresGeorge.com” story…..

There’s a website called “WheresGeorge.com”  It has been around for years, and it is where people register the serial number of a $1 bill and stamp it with the “WheresGeorge.com” seal, or write it on there after registration.  It is always interesting to see where dollar bills come from and go to.  It takes just a minute or two and it is a lot of fun.

Well a couple of days ago, after stopping at the Home Depot, I received a dollar with the seal on it and I took it home.  I have looked them up and posted my receiving the bill lots of times, but it was never more interesting than this one.

I apparently was the second poster of this bill.  The original poster was from Indianapolis, which is just about 20 miles away, but it said that he had received it as change from a male stripper at a dance club in Indy.  From there it went to the Home Depot where this guy probably bought something.  But from there it went into my wallet, a priest of the Church.  And tomorrow it will go into an offering plate at Church to be blessed and reconsecrated for God’s Work!

I did find it pretty funny though. And it will be interesting to see where it goes after tomorrow…..particularly after giving it to the Lord for His Work now!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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