Blessings in our home……

In my life I have had the blessing of meeting some fine people, particularly through my kids.  We have had their friends practically growing up in our home.  And many of them still stop by and are still like family.  I know that my kids too are seen the same in their homes as well.

The blessings however, have expanded, especially since Steph lives in Missouri now for school.  During her first two years I have met many of them during visits, but occasionally some of them end up traveling through here or even coming to stay for a few days.
Such was the case this weekend when Steph’s friends Mel Podry and Kathryn St. George came to visit.   Mel I know fairly well, as for these past two years she has been on “Ben’s List” as one of his many girlfriends.  Kathryn I knew of, more than knew.  I knew her mostly as “George” which is what her teammates call her, just like they call Steph “Tirman,” (which of course confuses me when I am there and here it).  But as a pretty experienced lacrosse coach I can say that “George” is one of the best all around lacrosse players I have ever seen. She is nice and very likable too, which I am sure not too many of her opponents would agree with!  But who cares?  I root for the Lions!
But they came here for the weekend and seemed to all have a great time.  It meant a lot to me to have them here.  They are all wonderful young women and their being here helps me to stay connected with all the stories when Steph is gone.
Yep, life has changed quite a bit over the years, but one thing remains constant…… kids have some remarkable and impressive friends!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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