The Battle Between Good and Evil……..

Optimus Prime was walking around our house tonight and it was a good thing too, as I saw a lizard of about the same height and weight walking here too a few minutes earlier.   I am just thankful for Prime, as it is he who apparently keeps us safe.

Now I want to be honest and say that the lizard was something that really surprised me.  I am not sure what movie or show he comes from, although I think I do remember a lizard on Scooby Doo.  Optimus Prime I am used to, as I am Spiderman, Batman, Captain America, Superman, pirates, a variety of policemen, firemen, soldiers, space guys and US Marines.

He has now appeared with a “grabber” kind of tool for kids, one similar to the ones they give to us old people to pick things up when we cannot bend over, except it is red and yellow (because as I said, it’s for kids) and not gray and black (for those of us closer to the nursing home).  He says he needs it because it is a robot arm as his doctor has told him not to use his regular arm anymore (because it is no good).   I would have to concur too.  He has a terrible time picking up his room, so this is explaining a lot.  Now I need to figure out how he is getting to the doctor on his own, and who is paying this bill.

There is never a dull moment at the Tirman home.  I am just glad to still be the Chief Lunatic in charge.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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