Church Planting in Muncie, Indiana……

If your grandmother or mother ever canned, chances are good that they probably used a Ball Jar.  Ball Jars were made in Muncie, Indiana, home of my sister Stephanie’s Alma mater, Ball State University…..and now home of what will be known as St. George the Dragonslayer Anglican Church and a chapter of St. Raphael’s Campus Ministry.   Yes the name is stolen, as it was our intended name for a Church in Bloomington that we delayed planting, but we just were a “hankerin” as they say in Indiana (just ask Father Dan) to use it.  St. George should launch in August, if not before.

This Church will be our first real attempt at doing campus ministry alongside a church plant, and is a real step of faith.  We have a facility that we will move into, and it is close to campus, but a lot needs to be done to get things moving along.  We are asking for your prayers.  AND, if you would like to partner with us financially, there is a link for that on our website.  It would be GREATLY APPRECIATED.  Here is the link to the SITE St. Michael the Archangel  I would give you a direct link to the donate page, but we would really prefer you learn about us before partnering with us.  It is always important to be informed.

But we do truly appreciate all that you can do in any way, shape, or form.  Our lease will be finalized next week and the seeds have already been planted.  God’s work has begun.

Please consider being a part, and if you’d like to see us planting a church in your area (ANYWHERE IN THE US) please do not hesitate to let me know.  Our Order is for Anglicans all over North America, and our churches are too!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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