But we NEED the water!!!!

Wow…….I am watching on radar as the rain that we so desperately need goes around us….ON BOTH SIDES, as if Moses himself is parting that storm.  It is disheartening.   We have a garden and fruit trees that need the water.  The fruit trees we will keep watering, but the garden we have given Last Rites.  Sadly too, we use a great portion of our garden to support the Christian Center here in Anderson.  It is not a good year in terms of growing anything.

The rain chance is still just 30% and the next rain chance is Thursday at the same percentage.  There was an overabundance of rain last year…you just wish you could spread it out.  I am just sad for the many farms we have around here that grow crops.  They are going to be hurt something fierce.  And many of the dairy cows will not produce milk in this kind of heat.  It is a tough year here in Indiana.

So I will continue to pray for rain.  My yard is dead, our garden is gone and our new trees are barely limping along.  But others count on the rain for their livelihood………I just hope they can all survive what comes or rather what may not come ahead.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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