In hiding……

Yep Viper, our 75 pound golden retriever is hiding here in my office behind my desk chair.  Apparently he is afraid of Puddy, our 9 year old 5 pound cat, who is apparently mad at him for some reason and had penned him in here.  I do not blame him.  The cat can be a total psycho sometimes, and tonight she is really on her game.  But if he were any other breed she would be the one hiding.  Goldens are pretty wonderful dogs.

He however has had a couple of bad days.  I do not think he feels well and he has just not been himself.   I am more than willing to run interference for him (protect him) as I am clearly not afraid of the cat.  You see, although Ben SAYS he feeds her, I actually do about 99.9% of the time.  And if she messes with me I have a way to get her attention.  My concern at this point is for him.  I have plenty of grouchy mammals available here (none of them are my wife….mostly kids who get tired of me asking them to be mammals that are NOT pigs) so she can get in line.  Viper however, needs sympathy.

So back to defending the (obviously oblivious to reality) helpless I go.  I need to be useful at something at least while everyone is not at home.  This gives me a bit of meaning and purpose which I find rewarding…..rewarding that is until Scotty comes home and Viper abandons me.

I’ve got to reassess his loyalty.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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