Water, but from the SKY……

Hey….it has been raining these last few days, and I am not wondering what to do with all the tumbleweeds I invested in and the wild west ghost town makeover I gave my house.  The irony is not lost on me that at the beginning of the week Amanda actually gave up on her garden for the year.  The cost of watering it was just too high, and all the equipment was pulled out of it.  It was already dying but giving up made it worse.  The rain was just a taste of what it should have had all along.  Sadly we will have to wait until next year.

Plus we have been dealing with what are known as “cicada killers,” and not just a few but a convention of them.  They had to be sprayed, TWICE SO FAR, and that included the garden, so that was done then for sure.  I will say that these bugs (actually small bird-sized bugs) are annoying…BUT I also have no cicadas and apparently probably won’t until next year when THEY take over my yard.  I bet however they will be easier to deal with.  After all, these cicada killers kept complaining about my ghost town motif.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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