Healing the blind……

WOW….my prayers have been answered.  At 51 I cannot see small print and I FAKE seeing far away. If I go to a restaurant without glasses I am hosed, and reading messages on my phone is a real challenge for sure.

This is why I am in CONSTANT CONFLICT with Ben.  He STEALS my glasses ALL THE TIME and feigns blindness so he can wear them.  Of course it totally honks me off, not just because it is not good for his eyes, but because I NEED THEM TO SEE!  Okay I know I hardly EVER wear them, but sooner or later my cheating will not get me by.  BUT I need Ben to quit stealing my glasses to give me more time.

So he and I had a talk tonight.  I had actually purchased him a pair of clear glass glasses about a year ago.  They were kid-sized and SAFE….plus they were HIS and not MINE.  He lost them within days (a $10 loss).  But I reminded him of this tonight.  I told him that from this point on he would no longer be wearing my glasses (or stealing them).  He agreed but asked me to go with him to the basement to find his lost pair (it was the last place he had them MONTHS AGO).

So to humor him I went……..AND we found them.  They were actually sitting in plain sight on a chair. And this is a MIRACLE as he says he can now see better than ever, and we KNOW I CAN as I have MY glasses back!

But the life lesson here is that if you do not want your things messed with then do not have kids!!!  But as for me, I think I will keep mine.  Sure they mess with my stuff, but what is life without the adventure?

And of course, I have plenty!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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