A good day to celebrate……..with bacon!

So many things are happening that are good that I decided to post this awesome picture of Father PT eating the “bacon sundae” I bought him (as a joke).  He is a big fan of bacon and there was no way I was not getting him this after seeing it on the menu!

So two big things happened to day.  One, Viper passed all his tests at the vet.  He is on antibiotics now for what they think may be going on, but the believe that this will clear him up.  He had x-rays, blood work, and an exam.  But no masses or anything dangerous.  The second thing was that we saw A LOT of rain (at least in Muncie) where we were today.  It was to the extent that we though we probably should be building an ARK….yes, it was that bad.  And at lunch at the Pizza Hut, as the ceiling was leaking everywhere, we saw on the news that in terms of Indiana, it was the worst in the STATE!!  Go figure, but it was RAIN!

So enjoy your bacon sundae my dear friend.  I am glad you enjoyed it.  And I will also enjoy a future blog I have yet to write about the successful visit to cardiologist for you….for as I understand, most cardiologists have big money invested in the bacon industry!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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