Finally a great break……..

Tonight I had the great pleasure of going to dinner with my family.  Steph has company in from New York and with that, the usual crew…….and we had a great time!

I know it is a somewhat usual thing for me to post about getting to have dinner with all three kids, but I suppose that has a lot to do with how special I feel it is.  But more than that, Steph no longer lives here and Scott is rarely here, so being connected to them and the people in their lives is important to me as well.  And I am always impressed as they seem to be doing quite well and they seem happy too.

Sure, there is a part of me that would like to nose in and be more involved, but that would just not be proper!  They have their own lives and I am a PART, and I try my best to let them navigate it on their own.  My observation is that they do a pretty great job, and I am proud of them.

So now I am home, well fed, and will be able to be asleep by 10!  I even told Ben he could sleep with us and I have not seen much of him this past week and he jumped at the chance.  Life should get back on schedule in the morning.

But for now I am just thankful for the kids we are raising and the lives they are living.  They are a blessing to me, and the people they bring into my life are as well.  It has been a pretty wonderful evening.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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