Headache and a lost day…….

To confess to you that I am a bit “under the weather” would be a bit of an understatement.  In fact, I feel miserable.  It has RAINED here much of the day, but the fronts that come through often wreck havoc with my head, and today that has been the case.  I have a headache and feel like a SLUG.  I have spent much of the day in bed, but hopefully I can “make the turn” tomorrow.

Headaches can be debilitating.  My wife has migraines and I cannot even imagine.  At one point in my life I had headache all the time….mostly from the weather.  In truth, that was far easier than this.  I was used to them.  Now they hit me hard……tomorrow however, should be a better day.

The fronts should be through the area and my head should clear up….but I AM THANKFUL for the RAIN!!!!!  There may be a shot of my lawn returning to green bu summer’s end.  That would make me very happy!  There is nothing more miserable than all the dust and dry, dead grass from a drought……other than maybe a Cub’s loss…..but I digress.

Saturday is a new day and a new start……….and honestly it cannot start soon enough.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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