I’m ready………

Yes, the picture is an old one of Ben at a hotel waiting for his mom to take him down to the pool…..pretty cute, but very appropriate for tonight’s blog post entitled “I’m ready.”  You see I am ready for a lot of things, and tonight I wish to mention just a few.

1.  I’m ready for what divides us to not be the defining marker of human relationships.
2.  I’m ready for politicians to represent the people who put them in office and not be such dirtbags.
3.  I’m ready to not know what everyone’s sexuality is as if that is my business to know or yours to tell me.
4.  I’m ready for you to respect the right to my beliefs as you expect me to respect yours.
5.  I’m ready for people to respect the rights of others to have their beliefs and not resort to extortion.
6.  I’m ready for people to deal fair and honorably with each other.
7.  I’m ready for common sense and concern for others be put in front of self-interest.
8.  I’m ready for people to not put me in a box as a conservative Christian and pastor.
9.  I’m ready for a new and better future.

This is just a SMALL list for me, but an important one.  And I am ready to do my part to start making many of these things happen.

Off to bed I go…..

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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