Some observations……….

Everything I read today is about Chick-fil-A and all that surrounds it.  I went there myself today, twice, to support not only their values (which I support) but also their right to express them.  Unfortunately, the wait was far longer either time than I could spare.  I however was impressed with the response.  Scotty actually worked there for a time, and it was a great company.

Two days from now, apparently others who disagree with Chick-fil-A’s values will come and attempt to express their views with a protest.  I am not surprised by this, but saddened by it, because it comes from a movement that seems to want tolerance, but defines it as “only if you agree with us.”

I came from such a place.  I spent the majority of my ordained career in the Episcopal Church which preached a gospel (SMALL g) of tolerance, but practiced it poorly.  Tolerance, inclusion, all the buzz words but there was never any room for me….someone with traditional values.  And it was only when I left that they insisted that there was “room at the table for everyone.”  But I was an enabler.  As long as I was there that could be preached as truth, but in fact it was a lie.  Ironically, I retired, yet despite not being a part of them, they still charged me, had a trial, and convicted me…..declaring me unfit for ministry.  And this is probably one of the most honest things I could ever say…..”ironic” is probably, by far, too insufficient of a word.  These people were some of the worst I have ever encountered.

But getting back to my point… some point in this life sex came to the forefront of what defines us, and that to me is unfortunate.  In truth, I do not need to know what you do in your bedroom, and in all honesty, that should not define you.  Everybody is in need of redemption, and everybody deserves respect.  I am not responsible for your soul and you are not responsible for mine.  We can speak what we believe is the truth to each other, which I will continue to do, but beating and extorting each other should be “out of bounds.”   We live in a world where people are not just wounded by such things, but they can be destroyed.  I have been the victim of such attempted destruction.  I will not set out to do it to anyone else.

On August 3rd, I will go to Chick-fil-A again.  You can too.  I will have a chicken sandwich, and I will if need be, encourage people to not destroy one another, and offer to pray for them (on both sides of these issues).

I am a traditionalist….and I feel strongly about my beliefs. I am not a “hater, a “bigot,” a “homophobe,” or even a bad guy.  Let’s just grow up…..this is not junior high.  It’s life.  And the best thing we can do is to act like adults and to treat each other with respect.  You see, when you do not agree with something or someone, stop patronizing it.  Extortion is an ugly thing, and never leads to anything good.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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