A day of great news!!!!!

Today has been a wild day, and very frustrating in parts, but in the end a fine one.  Although I was in Muncie to put our signs up and my drill died, I still was able to get home to take Stephanie to the doctor.  It was a great success!!!  She is fixed (no, not like a dog) but her heart has been fixed and today she was totally released to return to playing lacrosse for her college!

Honestly, there has been so much stress for us all over this, that it was finally nice to put it all to rest.  She LOVES playing lacrosse, but more than that, it’s her HEART and she NEEDS IT TO WORK!!  And today’s exam included a post procedure EKG to make sure that what they did to fix it did not do any lasting damage.  The good news is that it all turned out okay.

And while she was in her appointment, Ben and I went to the cafeteria at the hospital where he decided to take a few pictures.  So to celebrate, one of them is the picture for tonight’s post!

What a great day!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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