Part Three of Priests Who Have Formed Me: Father Kelly Irish……….

There is an old saying where I come from that says, “No good deed goes unpunished,” but I need to say that posting this picture is not really a good deed to Father Kelly Irish, but it is one that I came across that will perhaps invoke a little “revenge.”  I however am reminded of the words of Scripture that say, “Vengeance is mine says the Lord,” but I have serious doubts that Kelly will remember these words after reading this post.  In truth, we all tend to remember those words when we are worried about revenge for our transgressions, but generally not the other way around.

But tonight I post about Father Kelly, who I met in seminary back in the 1640’s in Virginia.  We were both young, single, attractive, incredibly intelligent, and quite delusional about all of that except the young and single parts.  And we became fast friends and have remained so to this day.  Many days would find us at the McDonald’s near campus talking about dates we did not have, the mess that the Church was in, and out love for our beloved and often failing sports teams….the Cleveland Indians (Kelly) and the Chicago Cubs (me).  We were completely the same guy in many ways in two different leagues, and the similarities went far beyond sports.

I probably would have bolted from seminary without him to keep me sane, as we ran everything by each other all the time…sermons included.  After graduation and ordination, we continued that for a short time…..about 25 additional years (yes, it still goes on).  What has made this work for us is both comfort with each other and HONESTY.  We have always spoke truth to each other and even in the hard spots of life.  And what has made that effective is that it cuts to the chase by someone you trust and know who loves and cares for you, your family, and ministry.  And at least for me, I can hear that, because it is never with anything other than his best interest in me that is in mind.

Plus, it has been fun.  We used to say that between he and I the Church may have gotten one good priest, and good sometimes is used loosely.  Twenty-four years ago he actually delivered the sermon at my ordination to the priesthood, which was really kind of themed “we cannot believe we made it this far and what will we do when they find out who we really are?”  A quarter of a century later I suppose we could confess that “they”apparently are not that bright… we will keep at it.

He and I have done all this together, and figured out the problems and issues along the way.  My favorite story is at the baptism of my daughter Stephanie, which he did in Barberton in a packed Church when were were both clearly “greenhorns.”  In seminary we learn to baptise with DOLLS. Stephanie looked like a doll but was actually real.  Kelly was her Godfather too.  I was right next to him.  Father Bill, who could have helped us, was on the other side of the font and too far away.  Priests often talk to each other in the service or to those who serve them, and I will never forget him leaning towards me right before the baptism and saying, “Her bonnet is in a knot, I can’t untie it, what do I do? And he will tell you that he will never forget my stellar and experienced advice, “I don’t know.”  All those plastic practice babies had not bonnets or hair.  They didn’t move, or scream, or barf, or smack the water, or “load” their diaper (all issues I have dealt with over 25 years).  So we did what we always did and still do to this day, we figured it out and made a decision.  And Stephanie’s baptism had to take as that Holy Water was on her head till after the service when her wet Baptismal Helmet was finally removed by someone with those particular skills.

Kelly and I no longer talk every Saturday about our sermons unless there is some sort of issue or question…but if there is an issue or question about ANYTHING (not just sermons) a call goes one way or another…..and we take the time.  The priesthood can be quite isolating, and I have been blessed as to not have ever had to do it alone.  Kelly has always been there and still is.  I am the oldest in my family and have one brother and three sisters (two now work in the home office -heaven) but Kelly to me is like that much much older brother that I have not ever had.  We are actually pretty close in age….I am 30 and he is 75, but I still do love him like a brother.

I am not too sure about tonight’s picture of him, although I did warn him.  I thought it might be of him and Steph, but perhaps it is of him and Marie as she is younger than him and he looks about 12 (like we both did when we started out) in this picture.

But regardless, Kelly has kept me in the game.  We hear A LOT in this new day about “three streams” and the blending of the charismatic, evangelical, and Anglo-Catholic. As a church we have done it poorly as it is often about power and control, but Kelly and I are a great example that different streams CAN move ahead as long as you 1) work together, and 2) leave the power and control out of it.  We have always made it work because our relationship is built on love, truth, and respect .

I have learned more from him than I have ever given back, and I honestly believe that I would have left the priesthood on many different occasions (not my vows, but the Church) had he not been there to help me walk through it.  I despise its political nature and the misuse of God given power that is often fueled by ego and control over Christ’s call to serve.  Kelly has kept me “in the game” OFTEN. After all, I truly believe that the Church DOES need priests like us…..the ones who use the word “kingdom” and know what it means…’s not about us, and thanks Kelly for always keeping me on the right path.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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