Getting there…….

Today the altar and podiums went into St. George’s in Muncie and the sign went up on the street.  It is all coming together, but it is not coming together without sacrifice.

PT, on Wednesday and on one of the last pieces of trim for the altar, had his saw kick back and cut his finger severely.  It was and is a mess.  He thought he would lose the end of his finger, but they sewed back what was there.  It however, will not be the same.

Still, PT was up with Deacon Kim and I this morning to deliver the altar and podiums he had made and to help install the signs.  AND, a week from tomorrow he will be at the Open House at St. George’s as well……in addition to doing some services this weekend.

It however is very typical of the dedication of the people in the Order to the work they do.  Sure, PT could be compared to the Black Knight in that Monty Python picture, but in all honesty, he is far more well-adjusted.  It is just part of the idea of sacrifice.  And he would have it no other way.

So tonight’s picture is of the altar, podiums and sign.  It is coming along!  Pray that we continue to move ahead.  And pray that PT continues to heal!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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