I didn’t even know……

My plans today went a little south, as I was under the impression that Steph and Ben were going to the State Fair tonight as Amanda had to be there for work.  I figured I would pick up some things I needed to finish some things at St. George’s Muncie and could get them accomplished without any time restraints.   As it turns out, I will be doing them tomorrow.

Steph and Ben never went to the fair, so Ben was with me for at least the shopping portion of my day.  I got the majority of the stuff I needed, and even considered heading up to do some work, but Amanda finished her work and was heading “home,” but asked if we wanted to “meet” her at the ice cream shop in Lapel.

Of course saying no to such an invitation with a 5 year old in the car is never going to work…..nor would driving past the house when your 20 year old daughter, who would eat a free ice cream, is just sitting there watching the Olympics.  So we picked her up and headed for our rendezvous….it was a smashing success too.

Tonight’s picture is of the three of them deciding what they want.  It was fun to watch.  And we ate our ice cream at the table then, listening not to a superhero tonight, but to Ben explain how he was now 21, married and has a son who will be 5 tomorrow.  

I think he is making it up, but who cares?  Everyone had ice cream!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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