At the speed of light……….

When things get into the “zone,” it is just amazing at all that gets done.  I got home this evening after 11pm, and would have been later had not Amanda and Ben come up to help me at St. George’s (okay, they both came but only one really helped).  We were able to get the refrigerator cleaned up, installed and on.  We also got the sink into the kitchen area, plumbed and working as well.

Since Amanda, Steph, and Ben are leaving very early Wednesday morning for Kansas, Amanda wanted to come and scope out some decorating ideas for the church.  She and PT’s wife Jewel are generally the ones who do that work, not because we are chauvinistic in any way shape or form, but it’s because they both feel that PT and I are morons in terms of decorating.  She has just tomorrow to finish too, as Saturday we are hosting an Open House there for the public.

But things are truly flying along……at the speed of light (okay, perhaps a bit slower than that).  But it’s all looking good and for that I am very thankful!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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