Vacation….sans me……..

Well my wife, Steph, and Ben (along with Steph’s friend Celeste) are in Kansas visiting the people who I USED to call Amanda’s parents, but we will now call for the sake of honesty, Ben’s grandparents.  Scotty, who I swore was staying home with me over the next few days is not home, but he is not home and it is 20 minutes until tomorrow.  Viper and Puddy are my constant friends, but beggars cannot be choosers…..they are all that I have!

And I spoke with all the Tirmans in Kansas just a few hours ago.  It is never a good conversation.  When you are on vacation you really never want to remember that old boring place you will need to return to.  Only my niece Kayla, who is rooming out there with Ben, seemed interested in talking with me….at least for a few minutes.

But in all honesty, I really do not mind being alone anywhere.  I know most people who know me would define me as an extrovert, but in all honesty, I am more of an introvert.  I enjoy the solitude, and tonight I have it, or at least I have it as much as you can when you are rooming with a dog with a stuffed squirrel.  It will be a good night’s sleep with no wake up time scheduled, although I am sure it will be early.

AND, I stayed IN TOWN today for the most part and got some things done around here.  It has been “sort of” a restful day.  And I hope that tomorrow may be as restful as well!!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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