On going deeper………

I got an email this morning from a reader who was a bit disappointed in my post.  The station wagon from “National Lampoon’s Vacation” was the picture, but my post was more of a reporting than a writing, and he said that I was really more on my game when I was wry (which I had to look up)…….but in all honesty, he was right.

For regular readers, you know that my primary reason for writing this blog is discipline and daily therapy from the stroke I suffered in 2008 (my daughter and wife will let me know if that is right because I have screwed the 2008 date up before).  But in all honesty, although I DO USE as daily THERAPY, is often has become a chore rather for me rather than a therapy session.  I do it because I feel the need to have to, BUT I also need to confess that when I am being actually WRY (see above) I feel far more satisfied.  In other words, the reporting has little to no therapeutic value for me…..it is h=just doing for the sake of doing.

So as I have processed this ALL DAY, I have come to understand that this blog is more than therapy for me.  I originally wanted to blog about the injustice and immorality that I was attempting to battle in this world……but in the end, I have come to the conclusion that I can post anything at this stage of my recovery, but it would be no more than obligatory fulfillment of the minimum agreement I have made for myself.  It an easy task, not challenging in the least, and only pressured by the restraints of my time. And I will share that I have thought about this most of the day!!

So yes, yesterday’s post COULD HAVE BEEN FUNNY……after all, Clark Griswald and I live truly parallel lives, other than the fact that in real life Chevy Chase is a lunatic liberal.  But yesterday’s post was not funny, yet if there were ever an award in blogdom for mediocrity, I may have been a contender!  It was just a picture to go along with the word “vacation,” of which I was, and am still not, on.

In the future however, I want to change my blog.  It started as a blog about the injustice of the Episcopal Church, which I still think is VERY unjust….that’s a lie….they are like honor’s students for immorality, but beyond that, I just want to be relevant!

It is just too bad that I do not know what relevant means…..

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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