Communication communique……

Communication, I hear at least, is essential in a marriage.  And that is why tonight I must confess that this is on my mind as I asked my wife what time she would be home from Kansas tomorrow.  Her answer?  “We are coming home Monday, remember?”  Oh yeah, sure I do, because as a husband, and like all husbands, I am committed to the theory, excuse me I mean concept, of listening.

But as a person who serves in a vocation where listening is so very important, this intrigued me.  For instance, how is it that I hear every bit of detail in my clergy meeting this morning, but miss something like this?  And more importantly…..1) does she know this, 2) is she irritated by this, and 3) how can I blame this on my stroke or old age?

But tonight I had an unlikely ally, and that was my son Ben.  Amanda and everyone was out at the lodge where they had all been staying together, but Ben went home with his Nanny to spend the night saying, “Don’t worry mommy, I will be back in the morning.”  A true natural distraction and gift!!

But she was a bit wounded by it and I understand why.  Ben is TOTALLY dedicated to her, and only has interest in the rest of us when he needs a new nemesis, or like the older kids needs money.  He chooses NOT ME ALL THE TIME……but this was a first for her.  What she failed to see however in the woman who raised her was the “grandma factor,” which children almost always gravitate to in time.

But as for me, I will rejoice, not in the distraction from my mistakes and shortcomings in listening, but in the reality.

That’s right…….Scotty and I now have 24 extra hours to clean the house, and of course wash Amanda’s blanket.  Viper misses her and pulled it off our bed to sleep on!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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