No deposit, they returned…….

Tonight’s picture is one that returned with the crew from Kansas.  Yes, it is probably staged……I am sure they were miserable without me… least that is what they told me. But I suspect that they just may be patronizing me.  I will pretend however that I was constantly in their thoughts.

That is hard to do though, particularly considering that I was told that Ben woke up crying this morning knowing he was going to have to leave his grandparents and come home.  I seriously doubt that this was for show, yet I must confess I have not ever seen it before…..particularly as it relates to me.  Me: “Daddy is going on a trip.”  Ben: “Okay Daddy, bring me something.”  Me: “Okay”

I did however have some fun upon his arrival.  I asked him where he had been.  He said in Kansas visiting Nanny and Grandpa, and I said “Well that explains it…..we have been looking for you for days.”  He was absolutely fascinated that I didn’t know, and that was despite talking to him on the phone a few times too.  As you can tell he is “center of the target” focused on me.  It is good to have him back.

Well at least it is good to have him back part of the time.  He brought back all his multiple superhero and evil villain personalities too. Quite a few of them made appearances in the couple of hours before bed.

So things are well on their way back to normal.  And for it, I am quite thankful.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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