Personal eye surgery…..but do not worry, I AM a doctor……

I must confess, I have NO INTENTION of offending anyone, but I have had an extremely bad, or as they say “challenging” day.  I will not put you to sleep with all the details, but I will say that the “low-light” of my day is when I rubbed my eye and the stint I had put in in March CAME OUT!

Oh this would not be a problem had I known a way to get it back in place.  I did try, but at some point (see the picture) I decided that I could NOT get it back in, but I might be able to get it ALL OUT.  So I did what any other capable and smart guy would do…..I PULLED.

In retrospect, that was not such a good idea, since as my FACE seemed to follow the tugs, I discovered that the stint was LOOPED.  But since in a conversation with my doctor two months ago I discovered if it was not working it would be removed, I weighed my options.  1) I have two weeks left to the 3 month mark where it might be removed.  2) I had an appointment in two hours.  3) A trip to the ER to fix this or cut it out would be pricey, OR 4) I could cut it and pull it out for free and make my appointment and NO HARM NO FOUL.

So I chose option 4.  I cut it, pulled it out, called my doc (who will call me tomorrow) and ended the whole affair.  My eye, in time, will heal from me tugging on that stupid stint, and hopefully it will drain.  My doc will call me tomorrow and probably give me the prednisone drops he would have in two more weeks to keep the hole open…..we will see.

But as for now, I am “stint-less” and still a bit amazed. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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