Of a deep question to ponder…….

As a pretty serious fellow, I often find myself pondering the deep questions in life……..”Why am I here?”  “What’s my purpose in life?”  “Is this all there is to my life?”

But today I was out with Steph and Ben, who were fresh back from their trip to the Indiana State Fair (voted by Indiana residents as the “Best State Fair in Indiana” the last 23 years straight).  We were getting Steph’s oil changed (in her car) and had some time to kill, so we stopped at a couple of stores.

So imagine my surprise as I came upon a car, or what I believed to BE a car, being held together (no doubt) by a bumper sticker asking one of the most alluring questions in life.  Here it is below…….

In all honesty, I never really pondered it before.  Sure, I have heard and seen the “used to be popular” “What Would Jesus Do?” But as soon as people began attacking Christians (sans lions this time) that gave way to the recently popular “What Would Tim Tebow Do?”

In truth, people never really agreed on what Jesus would do, and I do honestly believe that Tim Tebow would probably just ask Jesus.  But in terms of something of which people would not and could not argue about, this one was clearly a winner.

And as we toured the Kohls, looking at stuff we could not afford to buy, Ben and I came upon this hat (which incidentally, we did not buy).  I took it as a sign that I ought to blog about this tonight.  I am sure Scooby would.  And I made sure it was okay…….as I called Tebow and asked him as well!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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