Not really……..

Well, I spent the day in Muncie at St. George’s training one of our Deacons, Kim Akers, about the Eucharist… all honesty, I think he gets it!  But if there is ONE THING I HAVE LEARNED, it’s that Open Houses are not very effective.  This Open House had ZERO attenders.

But in a ministry that has always been and remains ever-fluid, I am not really concerned.  In Greenfield as we planted we held “Informational Meetings” and offered “dessert and coffee,” and they WERE well-attended.  We just do things differently each time to see what happens and what we like.  BUT, the bottom line is this….we already have a CHURCH AND CAMPUS MINISTRY IN MUNCIE, and it will open whether people are there or not!!!

But the hard part, and the most DEFEATING PART of all was COOKIES!!!!  (AND LOTS OF THEM)……yes, despite not announcing desserts, we had them and half went home with me.  Now this would not normally be a problem, but I AM ON A DIET AND WANT THEM BADLY!!!!  But I am not complaining.  They are all still in my house and if I cannot take it, I will indeed gain 6000 pounds….but I believe I am going to be fine.  and that’s because I really do want to be thin.

So I will just set my sights on tomorrow and see what it will bring.  My hope is ANYTHING BUT COOKIES.  But in truth, I am on a diet, and I tend to be diluted!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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