Bootcamp (for me)……..

A few months ago, my doctor gave me some news that I really was not expecting…….he felt my stroke had damaged an area of my brain connected to my metabolism as we have tried about every option short of cutting off my legs to get this weight off…..nothing was really doing it.  It was both comforting and discouraging at the same time.  It was comforting in the sense that I had an answer that made some sense, and discouraging in the sense that I really would have liked an easier answer.

So, with that news, I was very to look at viable options for me short of pre-planning my nursing home care and funeral in anticipation for an early demise.  I am 70 pounds over my pre-stroke regular weight, and you just cannot make that work for decades.  Ideally, stimulants would be the best option, yet they are not an option for someone with a stroke in their history.  So needless to say, it has been a real physical and emotional beating trying to figure this out.

Ironically, that also seems to be the answer too.  If I am to recover fully I need a beating, and I am pleased to say that I have found such a beating at Indy Boot Camps.

Yes, although I am just one week in and quite often the first to die in these sessions, I am at it, it is working, and I am sore.  But more than that, it is jarring my memory to times of busting my tail like this for sports and enjoying the results.  I am in for a month, but if this works like I am seeing and feeling, it may need to be with for a long time.  As a young man, I remember wanting to be a “monster” and working towards that.  Now I am still a monster but just in personality!!  I want to get back and stay back!

So keep me in your prayers!  I would if I could…..but I can no longer put my hands together….I am so sore!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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