In the back of the pack………

Although my day has been productive, it has also been a disaster in terms of my getting through it.  I am now at home IN BED, and that would be marvelous if I didn’t have to get up and leave at 4am for a work trip!!  Oh but burglars beware!!  We are well-prepared when I or anyone else travels.  And that is partially why I feel comfortable in sharing it here!

But my day began with having to miss bootcamp.  It honked me off, but there was no way I would be able to do what I needed to do if I attended.  In addition to that, I entered a meeting time wrong on my calendar and missed the meeting.  Fortunately he was VERY GRACIOUS and met me an hour and a half later.  But the whole day was like that, and to be honest, it has wore me out!!

I was able to both drop off and pick up Ben today though.  As we arrived at school he shared how nervous he was.  When the doors opened I walked in with him and when he looked at me I said, “Don’t look at me, I don’t know where your room is!”  And suddenly he got smart!  He led me right to the door.  My attempt to talk to him as we arrived there was ineffective.  He was there and he wanted to go!!  He was working me the whole time.

After school he was his usual self.  He could not remember a thing of what went on and wanted to play with the stash of toys he had in the car.  As the reality of bedtime hit later on however, Amanda said he suddenly remembered everything IN DETAIL as sharing would keep him up longer.  As I have shared as recently as yesterday, he is a pro.  I bow to his greatness.

But I am saddened in the fact that I will be just kissing him goodbye on my way out the door in a few hours… least I can wake the others up!!  (Not that they are looking forward to it)  But tomorrow I will get “the report.”  Hopefully the word “principal” will not come up…..but if it does I will admit, genetics is a hard thing to escape.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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