On the edge of the world……

Well I have spent the ENTIRE DAY (except for the last couple of hours) on the road.  But after close to 12 hours I arrived in Mount Pleasant SC where I will attend the Consecration of a seminary friend of mine, Steve Wood, who will become the FIRST Bishop of the Carolinas!  And I am here to support my brother as well as to talk to people about the Order.

But after all that driving, I felt I deserved a bit of relaxation, so I drove the couple of miles to the beach and walked a couple of miles.  I called Ben on my walk and let him listen to the waves.  I asked him if he wanted me to bring him home some shells, which he did.  He also then ordered a hermit crab, a seagull, no sharks, but a BUNCH of fish.  I told him I would see what I could do.  In all honesty I was surprised that he didn’t have Aquaman meet me there to help collect all his stuff.

But this will be a quick, and hopefully productive trip.  Steph has headed back to college, and I saw her this morning at 4am.  It was hard to know she was leaving, and it made the drive harder, and I wondered whether it was harder for her to leave the nest or for me to let her go.  I do remember 20 though, and my heart was not as much on my family as it was on my life.  Looking back, I wish I had done better.  But hindsight is n ever 20/20…..it is ALWAYS more clear than that!  It is a bittersweet trip, but I will make the most of it.

Of course seeing the ocean is pretty cool.  I did however grow up around a port……MICHIGAN CITY INDIANA!!!  I am just not used to salt water.  My walk was however, pretty relaxing.  And I am thankful for it…I am totally worn out!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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