Lessons from the road………

Well after more than 15 hours on the road, I am home and in my bed.  Steph is now back at school so it is just Amanda, the boys, the dog, and the cat……but the only one I have been able to talk to is the cat, and only because I gave her some treats.  1AM is not exactly my original plan, but I was able to drift a little east and have lunch with my Uncle Al.  I however am a MORON because I should have had the waitress take a picture of us.  Sadly, I have no evidence of this story other than my word!!

But I did learn a few things on this trip.  One, all the states look pretty much the same when you are driving in the dark.  Two, no one in the south knows what “unsweetened” tea is.  Three, when you want a Chick-fil-A it will always be Sunday.  And finally, my bed, although I will not be in it long, is far more comfortable than my car!  THANK GOD!

But for now I am off to bed!  Thanks Uncle Al for the great lunch and visit!!  And thanks SC for the quick, but productive visit!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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