Pondering the future……..

Yes, I know it has been awhile since a Ben picture, so here is one taken a few days ago after we arranged our room.  Ben is using his mom’s IPad, which all the kids use, but I have not ever used.  They all seem to enjoy it, but in all honesty I have trouble with just the stuff I am responsible for.  And if you have read this blog for more than a few days, I am sure you have heard me complain about it too.

But I thought this picture would be a fine one to use for tonight, as I have been reflecting these past few days upon my future.  No, I do not want to make any great career changes, nor am I experiencing any type of mid-life crisis.  But I do want to be better at all I do.  I want to be a better husband to my wife.  I want to be a better father to my children.  I want to be a better priest to the people I serve and serve with.  It seems I just want to be………better.

How that is to be accomplished is exactly what I am pondering, and what I can say is that I honestly am encouraged by the possibilities.  Yeah I know, I am often funny or sarcastic in my writings, and some readers may even be waiting for the punchline or zinger.  But in truth, my heart has taken a big turn, and I need to pay attention to it and honor it in my life.

Perhaps tomorrow I will say something funny, but not today.  I am thinking, and I feel awake with my eyes wide open.  These are important times for me.  I intend not to miss them.  Wading in the water can be fun sometimes, but I think I indeed may be being called to swim.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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